Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

I apparently have had a second trimester energy boost, because I've been cooking up a storm today ... and the rest of this week. I'll post recipes later. It's nice to be able to cook again without getting sick to my stomach. Hate the first trimester!

After a late night and cereal for breakfast, then an early nap, I started off today with cooking lunch: The short ribs my mom always makes for New Year's Day, plus black-eyed peas. If you don't eat black-eyed peas on New Year's, you're missing out: It is considered good luck to eat them on New Year's Day! While the short ribs and beans were cooking, I started a soup in the crock pot for dinner, using my friend's "toss it together" recipe, thinking we were going to be gone half the day. Our plans changed, but the soup was already going. So I made rolls to go with, plus pumpkin chocolate chip muffins and bread so we could freeze the muffins and kiddo can have some quick breakfasts when school starts again next week. She'll be able to choose from peach cobbler muffins (which I made a few weeks ago), blitz kuchen muffins (made on Christmas), and these, which are her favorites.

I also plan to start freezing meals so, after this baby is born, I won't have to cook for a while. It's going to be an interesting year, to say the least!

I'll be coming up with menus on Monday for next week, and hopefully will be able to bake muffins at least once a week to keep the freezer stocked. We go through them fairly quickly, though I'm now out of pumpkin and Libby's has a shortage due to the massive amounts of rain fall in the midwest last harvest, so I'll be experimenting with different kinds. Sad day on the pumpkin front, but it means more delicious muffins for us!

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