Saturday, December 5, 2009

So, I'm a slacker ...

Being pregnant has taken its toll on whether I'm cooking or not. Not, mostly.

I did this recipe after Thanksgiving.

This one, too.

This one before Thanksgiving and may soon again.

As far as my original recipes go, I haven't really created anything fresh lately (aside from my take on the turkey hash). I need to get back to planning menus though because then maybe the husband or the kidlet could cook. Hmph.

I am sooooo nauseated right now. And I was supposed to make tomorrow night's dinner tonight (spaghetti pie) so we could eat quickly after church and head to temple square. um, yeah ... hopefully I can get that done after work. which has sucked tonight because I'm still not feeling well from a stomach virus, so I should be done with work but I don't think I even have half my requirements done. Bah.